Our Tutors
Simply tutors are dedicated academic coaches, qualified and specialized in their own teaching subjects who impart their knowledge and experience to assist in students’ learning needs.
They are approachable, caring and committed to teaching. We provide simple solutions to aid the students in their pursuit for academic excellence.
Root cause of less-than satisfactory results can be simple, but only easily diagnosed by experienced tutors. Check out our tutors’ profiles.
Mr Low @ 81255514
Mr Low Chee Leng
Chee Leng is an experienced tutor with an impressive academic record, obtaining excellent results in Mathematics throughout his course of education. He was the top Mathematics student in his Junior College, completed his basic degree in NUS on an expedited mode due to his excellent results in Mathematics and received his honours degree in Statistics.
Chee Leng is a dynamic and energetic teacher who captures students’ attention well and is able to spur them to excel in Mathematics. His strong knowledge in the subject is an instant success with his students because of his clear explanations and helpfulness.
Chee Leng is a well-received tutor, acknowledged by his students and their parents.
Mr Low @ 81255514
Mr Low Chee Leng
Chee Leng is an experienced tutor with an impressive academic record, obtaining excellent results in Mathematics throughout his course of education. He was the top Mathematics student in his Junior College, completed his basic degree in NUS on an expedited mode due to his excellent results in Mathematics and received his honours degree in Statistics.
Chee Leng is a dynamic and energetic teacher who captures students’ attention well and is able to spur them to excel in Mathematics. His strong knowledge in the subject is an instant success with his students because of his clear explanations and helpfulness.
Chee Leng is a well-received tutor, acknowledged by his students and their parents.
Academic Achievements:
- Honours degree in Mathematics (Statistics)
- Degree of Bachelor of Science with Merit
- 2 –time Prestigious Dean’s List Award in NUS for academic excellence
Teaching Level:
- Secondary
- Junior College
- More than 20 years of tutoring experience
- Strong rapport with students and parents
- Clear explanation of mathematical concepts
- Dynamic
Insights of Teaching Style:
“With his strong background in the subject, he helps students understand and apply complex concepts to achieve significant improvement in their results.”
Academic Achievements:
- Honours degree in Mathematics (Statistics)
- Degree of Bachelor of Science with Merit
- 2 –time Prestigious Dean’s List Award in NUS for academic excellence
- More than 20 years of tutoring experience
- Strong rapport with students and parents
- Clear explanation of mathematical concepts
- Dynamic
Teaching Level:
- Secondary
- Junior College
Insights of Teaching Style:
“With his strong background in the subject, he helps students understand and apply complex concepts to achieve significant improvement in their results.”
Mr Foong Kok Gheng
Kok Gheng has an outstanding academic portfolio, graduating from top Singapore schools. He achieved straight distinctions for his “A” levels and received the prestigious Dean’s List Award thrice in his 4 year degree course in NUS.
An NUS graduate with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (First Class Honours) degree, his past teaching experiences have helped him to impart his knowledge as well as to help students understand the complex concepts of Science and Mathematics.
Kok Gheng is an inspiring and caring teacher who encourages his students to do well. His unique teaching methods help to foster an independent thinking and learning spirit in his students. A responsible and dedicated teacher who manages his class well, and motivates his students to remain focus during lessons. Respected and loved by students and parents, Kok Gheng is an invaluable teacher.
Mr Foong Kok Gheng
Kok Gheng has an outstanding academic portfolio, graduating from top Singapore schools. He achieved straight distinctions for his “A” levels and received the prestigious Dean’s List Award thrice in his 4 year degree course in NUS.
An NUS graduate with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (First Class Honours) degree, his past teaching experiences have helped him to impart his knowledge as well as to help students understand the complex concepts of Science and Mathematics.
Kok Gheng is an inspiring and caring teacher who encourages his students to do well. His unique teaching methods help to foster an independent thinking and learning spirit in his students. A responsible and dedicated teacher who manages his class well, and motivates his students to remain focus during lessons. Respected and loved by students and parents, Kok Gheng is an invaluable teacher.
Academic Achievements:
- Formerly from Raffles Institution and National Junior College
- Straight distinctions for “A” levels
- 3-time recipient of prestigious Dean’s List Award in NUS
- Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with 1st Class Honours
Teaching Level:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Junior College
- More than 10 years of tutoring experience
- Patient
- Caring
- Inspiring
Insights of Teaching Style:
“Based on his firm academic foundation, he develops his unique teaching methods to help foster independent thinking and learning spirit among his students.”
Academic Achievements:
- Formerly from Raffles Institution and National Junior College
- Straight distinctions for “A” levels
- 3-time recipient of prestigious Dean’s List Award in NUS
- Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with 1st Class Honours
- More than 10 years of tutoring experience
- Patient
- Caring
- Inspiring
Teaching Level:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Junior College
Insights of Teaching Style:
“Based on his firm academic foundation, he develops his unique teaching methods to help foster independent thinking and learning spirit among his students.”
Ms Low @ 9178 5538
Ms Low Seow Whee
Seow Whee has more than 30 years of teaching experience as a Mathematics/Science tutor and expertise in Chemistry Teaching. She graduated from top Singapore schools and received Gold academic award for excellent “O” levels results.
She is a versatile tutor who is quick to review her teaching methods so meet students’ needs. Her extensive teaching experience, along with strong academic background, enables her to share good learning habits and transfer adequate knowledge so that her students can achieve results similarly.
Ms Low @ 9178 5538
Ms Low Seow Whee
Seow Whee has more than 30 years of teaching experience as a Mathematics/Science tutor and expertise in Chemistry Teaching. She graduated from top Singapore schools and received Gold academic award for excellent “O” levels results.
She is a versatile tutor who is quick to review her teaching methods so meet students’ needs. Her extensive teaching experience, along with strong academic background, enables her to share good learning habits and transfer adequate knowledge so that her students can achieve results similarly.
Academic Achievements:
- Attended top secondary school and junior college
- Recipient of academic award (Gold) for excellent “O” levels
- Degree of Bachelor of Science with Merit
Subject Expert:
- Chemistry
Teaching Level:
- Secondary
- Junior College
- More than 30 years of tutoring experience
- Versatile
- Patient
- Empathetic with students
Insights of Teaching Style:
“Her extensive teaching experience, along with strong academic foundation, enables her to share good learning habits and techniques to achieve result.“
Ms Win @ 8366 8170
Ms Theingi Win
Theingi Win is an experienced tutor with more than 15 years tutoring experience specialising in biology and chemistry. Her passion for the subjects started in secondary school where she was always top of her class for those subjects. She studied Chemical and Biomolecular engineering in Ngee Ann Polytechnic specialising in pharmaceutical science. She then went on to Nanyang Technological University to pursue a degree in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, ultimately graduating with a MSc in Chemistry.
Win constantly had students throughout her poly and undergraduate days and is kept up to track with the ever changing syllabus. She is also able to apply her expertise to allow her students to better understand the subjects, which has helped them to excel.
Well-loved by both students and parents, Win shows her care and support for her students even out of lesson hours, guiding and advising them on school and study matters whenever they need.
Ms Win @ 8366 8170
Ms Theingi Win
Theingi Win is an experienced tutor with more than 15 years tutoring experience specialising in biology and chemistry. Her passion for the subjects started in secondary school where she was always top of her class for those subjects. She studied Chemical and Biomolecular engineering in Ngee Ann Polytechnic specialising in pharmaceutical science. She then went on to Nanyang Technological University to pursue a degree in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, ultimately graduating with a MSc in Chemistry.
Win constantly had students throughout her poly and undergraduate days and is kept up to track with the ever changing syllabus. She is also able to apply her expertise to allow her students to better understand the subjects, which has helped them to excel.
Well-loved by both students and parents, Win shows her care and support for her students even out of lesson hours, guiding and advising them on school and study matters whenever they need.
Academic Achievements:
- Diploma in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with high GPA
- Degree in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry with honours
- Master Degree (MSc) in Chemistry
Subject Expert:
- Chemistry
- Biology
Teaching Level:
- Lower Secondary
- Upper Secondary
- Has 15 years of tutoring experience
- Patient, caring and empathetic
- Supportive
- Relatable to students
Insights of Teaching Style:
“With her strong academic background and fun personality, her teaching methods encourages students to question her, fostering curiosity that enables them to improve their understanding and ultimately helping them to make significant improvements.“
Academic Achievements:
- Master of Arts in Literary Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Honours
- An SAT score that is above 90% of his cohort
- More than five years of tutoring experience
- Able to sustain interest in students
- Able to simplify difficult concepts using real-world examples
- Patient
Teaching Level:
- Secondary (Lower & Upper Levels)
Insights of Teaching Style:
“This teacher believes that no academic difficulty is insurmountable if the student is willing to learn and the educator willing to impart. The goal of teaching the English language is to produce articulate people, incisive in thinking, who will be able to present their ideas and opinions in a clear, logical and constructive manner.”
Ms Yang Fang
Ms Yang is an experienced tutor with a proven track record. She graduated from Hua Chong Normal University with Bachelor of Arts(Honour), majored in Chinese Language & literature and obtaining excellent academic portfolio.
Ms Yang has more than 15 years in teaching experience. She has taught a myriad of students ranging from primary, secondary, JC pupils to working adults in Singapore. She is very familiar with the current MOE Chinese syllabus. She is used to helping students to expand their repertoire of Chinese skills, including speaking, reading, writing, listening. She teaches students in accordance of their aptitude, she expertise in focusing on examination skill as well
Ms Yang is a patient, responsible, well-received teacher. With her abundant teaching experience she successfully guides students to achieve significant improvement and excellent results. she is respected and trusted by parents.
双语教育是新加坡教育的独特之处,它使新加坡在国际大环境的激烈竞争中立于不败之地。在这个日新月异的时代,学华语是大势所趋, 学好华语将会让学生在未来的学业和职场上如虎添翼。杨老师愿助学生一臂之力掌握好华语, 成就他们的人生理想。
Ms Yang Fang
Ms Yang is an experienced tutor with a proven track record. She graduated from Hua Chong Normal University with Bachelor of Arts(Honour), majored in Chinese Language & literature and obtaining excellent academic portfolio.
Ms Yang has more than 15 years in teaching experience. She has taught a myriad of students ranging from primary, secondary, JC pupils to working adults in Singapore. She is very familiar with the current MOE Chinese syllabus. She is used to helping students to expand their repertoire of Chinese skills, including speaking, reading, writing, listening. She teaches students in accordance of their aptitude, she expertise in focusing on examination skill as well
Ms Yang is a patient, responsible, well-received teacher. With her abundant teaching experience she successfully guides students to achieve significant improvement and excellent results. she is respected and trusted by parents.
双语教育是新加坡教育的独特之处,它使新加坡在国际大环境的激烈竞争中立于不败之地。在这个日新月异的时代,学华语是大势所趋, 学好华语将会让学生在未来的学业和职场上如虎添翼。杨老师愿助学生一臂之力掌握好华语, 成就他们的人生理想。
Academic Achievements:
- Degree of Bachelor of Chinese and Language with honours
- Advanced Diploma in English Language
- Diploma in Business Management
Teaching Level:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Junior College
- More than 15 years of tutoring experience.
- Bilingual explanation of difficult vocabulary.
- Well-versed in Standard, Express and Higher Chinese
- Empathy towards students
Insights of Teaching Style:
“Ms Yang strongly believes that Chinese is not too difficult as long as you put your heart and soul into it. She wishes to encourage her students to extensively use the Chinese language as an effective communication tool in order to better their own lives and future career. Her strong Chinese education level and background, they enable her to help students achieve their goals.“
Academic Achievements:
- Degree of Bachelor of Chinese and Language with honours
- Advanced Diploma in English Language
- Diploma in Business Management
- More than 15 years of tutoring experience.
- Bilingual explanation of difficult vocabulary.
- Well-versed in Standard, Express and Higher Chinese
- Empathy towards students
Teaching Level:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Junior College
Insights of Teaching Style:
“Ms Yang strongly believes that Chinese is not too difficult as long as you put your heart and soul into it. She wishes to encourage her students to extensively use the Chinese language as an effective communication tool in order to better their own lives and future career. Her strong Chinese education level and background, they enable her to help students achieve their goals.“
Mr Boey Dengqing
Mr Boey (you can call him Dengqing) has a proven track record in coaching students to a higher English proficiency. He has taught a myriad of students, from Primary and Secondary pupils to working adults, in his five years of teaching experience. Always, the academic rigour required of him to graduate from the National University of Singapore in his Master’s Degree course has held him in good stead. And always he has tried his utmost to pass on the same level of excellence to his students.
Dengqing is very familiar with the current O Level English syllabus. As such, in addition to helping students to expand their repertoire of English skills, including vocabulary, grammar and creative writing, he tends to focus on examination skills as well. He has successfully tutored a student to a grade of B3 from that of F9, within a span of six months.
Dengqing believes in nurturing independent thinkers and wants his students to use the English language as an effective communication tool in order to better their own lives and improve the flow of interchange of ideas in our world. He is respected by his charges and trusted by parents.
Mr Boey Dengqing
Mr Boey (you can call him Dengqing) has a proven track record in coaching students to a higher English proficiency. He has taught a myriad of students, from Primary and Secondary pupils to working adults, in his five years of teaching experience. Always, the academic rigour required of him to graduate from the National University of Singapore in his Master’s Degree course has held him in good stead. And always he has tried his utmost to pass on the same level of excellence to his students.
Dengqing is very familiar with the current O Level English syllabus. As such, in addition to helping students to expand their repertoire of English skills, including vocabulary, grammar and creative writing, he tends to focus on examination skills as well. He has successfully tutored a student to a grade of B3 from that of F9, within a span of six months.
Dengqing believes in nurturing independent thinkers and wants his students to use the English language as an effective communication tool in order to better their own lives and improve the flow of interchange of ideas in our world. He is respected by his charges and trusted by parents.
Academic Achievements:
- Master of Arts in Literary Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Honours
- An SAT score that is above 90% of his cohort
Teaching Level:
- Secondary (Lower & Upper Levels)
- More than five years of tutoring experience
- Able to sustain interest in students
- Able to simplify difficult concepts using real-world examples
- Patient
Insights of Teaching Style:
“This teacher believes that no academic difficulty is insurmountable if the student is willing to learn and the educator willing to impart. The goal of teaching the English language is to produce articulate people, incisive in thinking, who will be able to present their ideas and opinions in a clear, logical and constructive manner.”
Academic Achievements:
- Master of Arts in Literary Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Honours
- An SAT score that is above 90% of his cohort
- More than five years of tutoring experience
- Able to sustain interest in students
- Able to simplify difficult concepts using real-world examples
- Patient
Teaching Level:
- Secondary (Lower & Upper Levels)
Insights of Teaching Style:
“This teacher believes that no academic difficulty is insurmountable if the student is willing to learn and the educator willing to impart. The goal of teaching the English language is to produce articulate people, incisive in thinking, who will be able to present their ideas and opinions in a clear, logical and constructive manner.”